
“数理论坛”第70期:Density dependent diffusion and pattern formation in spatially distributed populations


报告人Stefan Geritz(University of Helsinki, Finland)



报告人简介Stefan Geritz教授,2001年-2004年任职于芬兰图尔库大学数学学院,2005年至今任职于芬兰赫尔辛基大学数学与统计学院,主要从事应用数学方面的研究,主要研究领域为生态模型、随机过程、人口动力学、自适应动力学等。在国际期刊上已发表40篇论文,被引用次数为2770次,平均每篇文章被引用100余次,h-index为19。另外撰写的5本书籍中的章节被发表。曾担任过《Journal of Theoretical Biology》、《Journal of Biological Dynamics》杂志的编委;自2005年以来,一直是《Theory in Biosciences》(Elsevier)编辑委员会成员。

报告摘要:Diffusion can be used to model populations of randomly moving individuals. In such models, initial spatial inhomogeneities tend to disappear over time. With density dependent diffusion (i.e., when the diffusion coefficient depends on the local population density) populations behave much more interestingly. In this report I first present how to derive density dependent diffusion from first principles. Next I present necessary and sufficient condition under which density dependent diffusion leads to time reversals (i.e., backward diffusion) and spatial pattern formation on the level of the population. All is illustrated by concrete examples.

