
“数理论坛”第104期:Role of optimal harvesting in resource management: a mathematical modelling approach


报告题目:Role of optimal harvesting in resource management: a mathematical modelling approach

报告人:Prof. BalramDubey, Department of Mathematics, BITS Pilani, Pilani CampusPilani - 333031, India

报告时间:2019年8月20日(星期二) 10:30-12:00



In this talk, a shall start with a one-dimensional model for the resource management which is being harvested as catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) hypothesis. Then this model will be generalized in 2D and 3D modelling. The 3D-model will consist of a prey, a mature predator and an immature predator. The interaction between prey and mature predator is assumed to be of the Crowley–Martin type, and both the prey and mature predator are harvested according to CPUE hypothesis. Steady state of the system is obtained, stability analysis (local and global both) are discussed to explore the longtime behavior of the system. The optimal harvesting policy is also discussed with the help of Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The harvesting effort is taken as an effective control instrument to preserve prey and predator and to maintain them at an optimal level.

报告人简介:BalramDubey, Professor, Department of Mathematics, BITS Pilani, Pilani CampusPilani - 333031, India