
“数理论坛”第71期:Novel functional nano-materials through polymer brushes and nanoparticle composites


报告人:Holger Merlitz (Leibniz-Institute of Polymer Research Dresden)



报告人简介:Holger Merlitz 研究员,现任职于德国莱布尼兹高分子研究所,是厦门大学物理系客座教授。他1997年海德堡大学博士毕业,先后在印度的班加罗尔天体物理研究所、卡尔斯鲁厄研究所纳米技术研究所、厦门大学物理系和德国莱布尼兹高分子研究所等担任助理研究员、研究员和教授,主要从事耦合集群计算奇偶性对原子的非守恒效应、蛋白质在拥挤环境中的扩散理论、新型高分子功能性纳米材料和聚合物纳米颗粒复合材料等方面的研究工作。在国际期刊上已发表50篇论文,担任多个专业期刊的审稿人。

报告摘要: Polymer brushes are created by grafting polymers onto a substrate at concentrations above overlap. The molecules are then stretching away from their grafting points to generate a flexible and highly versatile surface layer. Brushes are used to prevent colloids from coagulation, to modify the mechanical properties (like friction or adhesion) of surfaces, or to reversibly bind and release drugs. Brushes, in particular charged (polyelectrolyte) variants, are frequently found in biological systems and expected to serve as coatings which improve the biocompatibility of transplants. Further on, brushes with switchable hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties can be used for functional textiles. In theoretical studies and computer simulations, we have investigated the physical properties of these polymer brushes in various ways. Scaling theory, as introduced during the late 1980s in the pioneering works of Alexander and deGennes, has been successfully applied to a broad class of polymer brushes. These approaches are augmented by mean-field models of varying complexity, and verified with coarse-grained computer simulations

邀请人:陈 刚 教授
