
“数理论坛”第91期:The monotonicity method for mean-field games (Diogo Gomes),Time fractional mean field games (Fabio Camilli)


1. The monotonicity method for mean-field games (Diogo Gomes)
2. Time fractional mean field games (Fabio Camilli)

报 告 人:
Fabio Camilli, 现任罗马第一大学“Sapienza”大学基础科学与工程学院(SBAI)教授
Diogo Gomes, 现任沙特国王科技大学(KAUST)数学系教授


Title: The monotonicity method for mean-field games
Abstract: In this talk, we present various applications of monotone operators to mean-field games. As we discuss, often mean-field games can be seen as monotone operators. A well-known consequence of this
fact is the Lasry-Lions uniqueness proof. Here, we discuss further applications to the existence of weak solutions and the construction of numerical methods. This talk is self-contained and does not require
prior knowledge of mean-field game theory or monotone operator theory.

Title: Time-fractional mean field games
Abstract: We consider a Mean Field Games model where the dynamics of the agents is subdiffusive. According to the optimal control interpretation of the problem, we get a system involving Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman and Fokker-Planck equations with time-fractional derivatives. We first discuss separately the well-posedness of each of the two equations. Then we show the well-posedness of the time fractional Mean Field Games system.