卢成,湖北洪湖人,教授、博士生导师、美国内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校(University of Nevada, Las Vegas)博士后、湖北省高层次人才计划入选者、中国地质大学百人计划。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项、GF专项3项、中国博士后特别资助1项。主要从事高压下凝聚态物质的微观结构与物性研究,已取得了一些研究成果,在PRL、JACS、PRB、JPCL、APL等期刊发表SCI论文100余篇,总被引3500余次,H指数37, ESI论文8篇 (详细论文列表:https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1806141),在相关研究领域得到同行学者的好评。
1.Lu Cheng, Miao Maosheng*, Ma Yanming*, Structural evolution of carbon dioxide under high pressure, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 14167.
2.Cheng Lu, Quan Li, Yanming Ma, and Changfeng Chen, Extraordinary indentation strain stiffening produces superhard tungsten nitrides, Physical Review Letters, 2017, 119, 115503.
3.Cheng Lu*, Maximilian Amsler*, and Changfeng Chen*, Unraveling the structure and bonding evolution of the newly discovered iron oxide FeO2, Physical Review B, 2018, 98, 054102.
4.Xiao Tang, Weiguo Sun, Yuantong Gu, Cheng Lu*, Liangzhi Kou*, and Changfeng Chen*, CoB6 monolayer: A robust two-dimensional ferromagnet, Physical Review B, 2019, 99, 045445.
5.Lu Cheng* and Chen Changfeng*, Indentation-strain stiffening in tungsten nitrides: Mechanisms and implications, Physical Review Materials, 2020, 4, 043402.
6.Lu Cheng* and Chen Changfeng*, Structure-strength relations of distinct MoN phases from first-principles calculations, Physical Review Materials, 2020, 4, 044002.
7.Weiguo Sun, Xiaoyu Kuang, Harry D. J. Keen, Cheng Lu*, and Andreas Hermann*, Second group of high-pressure high-temperature lanthanide polyhydride superconductors, Physical Review B, 2020, 102, 144524.
8.Bole Chen, Lewis J. Conway, Weiguo Sun , Xiaoyu Kuang, Cheng Lu*, and Andreas Hermann*, Phase stability and superconductivity of lead hydrides at high pressure, Physical Review B, 2021, 103, 035131.
9.Dou Xilong, Kuang Xiaoyu, Sun Weiguo, Jiang Gang, Lu Cheng*, and Andreas Hermann*, Ternary Mg-Nb-H polyhydrides under high pressure, Physical Review B, 2021, 104, 224510.
10.Qingzhuo Duan, Junyu Shen, Xin Zhong*, Haiyan Lu*, and Cheng Lu*, Structural phase transition and superconductivity of ytterbium under high pressure, Physical Review B, 2022, 105, 214503.
11.Simin Li, Haiyan Wang, Weiguo Sun, Cheng Lu, and Feng Peng, Superconductivity in compressed ternary alkaline boron hydrides, Physical Review B, 2022, 105, 224107.
12.Weiguo Sun, Bole Chen, Xiaofeng Li, Feng Peng*, Andreas Hermann, and Cheng Lu*, Ternary Na-P-H superconductor under high pressure, Physical Review B, 2023, 107, 214511.
13.Cheng Lu, Chuyan Cui, Jingning Zuo, Hongxia Zhong, Shi He, Wei Dai, and Xin Zhong, Monolayer ThSi2N4: An indirect-gap semiconductor with ultra-high carrier mobility, Physical Review B, 2023, 108, 205427.
14.Qingzhuo Duan, Lihui Zhan, Junyu Shen, Xin Zhong, and Cheng Lu*, Predicting superconductivity near 70 K in 1166-type boron-carbon clathrates at ambient pressure, Physical Review B, 2024, 109, 054505.
E-mail: lucheng@calypso.cn