











l 2011/12-至今,中国地质大学(武汉),数学与物理学院,副教授

l 2015/12-2016/12,国家留学基金资助访问美国University of Missouri – Columbia机械与航空航天工程系

l 2007/09-2011/12,华中科技大学,光电学院武汉光电国家实验室,博士


l 弹性波/地震超材料设计与波动控制

l 电磁超材料设计及应用

l 盆地构造有限元分析

l 光电成像技术及应用


1. 企事业单位委托科技项目非制冷红外热像仪精确测温方法研究2024/12 - 2025/12主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超材料调控地震波传播行为研究及模型设计,2020/01 - 2023/12主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,二维四极共振电磁超构材料的有效介质理论研究2022/01 - 2025/12参与

4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,南海北部陆缘临界破裂过程、深水盆地发育及其构造地层记录,2019/01 - 2023/12合作

5. 企事业单位委托科技项目北部湾盆地构造格局的成因机制及其构造演化2020/04 - 2021/12合作

6. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所专项基金,西太平洋边缘盆地沉积过程、构造演化与成因机制研究,2017/01 - 2020/06, 合作

7. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,弹性波超材料在建筑物防震应用中的模型设计及模型试验2016/07 - 2018/12主持

8. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,超材料对地震波传播的控制理论研究及地震波隐身衣模型设计,2015/01 - 2017/12主持

9. 中国博士后科学基金,二维地震波隐身衣在重要建筑物防震中的应用及机理研究,2014/09—2016/06主持


(1) Zhiheng Wang, Yawen Shen, Jingmei Tan, Hongwu Yang, Pai Peng, Fengming Liu, Qiujiao Du*, A broadband zero-frequency seismic metamaterial based on negative effective mass density, Physics Letters A, 2025, 531: 130151

(2) Yuexin Zhang, Jingmei Tan , Yawen shen, Hongwu Yang, Pai Peng, Fengming Liu, Qiujiao Du*, Realizable seismic cloak via polar metamaterials, Applied Physics Letters 2024, 125:191701

(3) Zepei Tang, Yuexin Zhang, Zhiang Linghu, Hongwu Yang, Pai Peng, and Fengming Liu, Qiujiao Du*, Broadband seismic cloaks based on gradient index metamaterial, Europhysics Letters, 2024, 147 :66001

(4) Zhiang Linghu, Qiujiao Du*, Yawen Shen, Hongwu Yang, Pai Peng, and Fengming Liu, Arbitrary target frequency cloaking for flexural waves using deep learning. Europhysics Letters, 2024, 23:100891

(5) Shouwei Zhang, Qiujiao Du, Jinfeng Wang, Yu Huang, Fan Xia*, Pore-Size-Dependent Role of Functional Elements at the Outer Surface and Inner Wall in Single-Nanochannel Biosensors, Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96(18):7163-7171

(6) Fengyi Chen, Qiujiao Du, Fengming Liu, Pai Peng*, Reflective mode conversions between extensional and flexural waves by ultrathin oblique anisotropic tri-component resonators, Europhysics Letters, 2024, 145(4):46001

(7) Guanghui Zhang, Qiujiao Du, Anshou Zheng*, Hongyun Chen, Bogoliubov polaritons mediated strong indirect interaction between distant whispering-gallery-mode resonators, Optics Express, 2023, 31(23):38024-38037

(8) Muhammad muzamil, Hongwu Yang, Rui Xu, Yi Zeng, Pai Peng, Qiujiao Du*, A petal-cylindrical seismic metamaterial occupying low-frequency wide bandgaps in horizontally stratified soils, Wave Motion, 2023, 122:103197

(9) Zepei Tang, Zhiang Linghu, Hongwu Yang, Pai Peng, Fengming Liu, and Qiujiao Du*, Broadband focusing of seismic Rayleigh waves by Luneburg lens in the semi-infinite soil, Applied Physics Express, 2023, 16:087002

(10) Li Fan, Qiujiao Du*, Pai Peng, and Fengming Liu, Minkowski-like fractal seismic metamaterial with wide low-frequency band gaps on single and layered soil, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2022, 55: 495001

(11) Yi Zeng, Liyun Cao, Sheng Wan, Tong Guo, Yanfeng Wang, Qiujiao Du, Badreddine Assouar, Yuesheng Wang, Seismic metamaterials: Generating low-frequency bandgaps induced by inertial amplification, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 221:107224

(12) Yi Zeng, Liyun Cao, Sheng Wan, Tong Guo, Shuowei An, Yanfeng Wang, Qiujiao Du, Yuesheng Wang, Badreddine Assouar, Inertially amplified seismic metamaterial with an ultra-low-frequency bandgap, Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121:081701

(13) Zhixiao Si, Hongquan Xu, Meihua Lin, You Jiang, Qiujiao Du, Haotian Ma, Huageng Liang, Pengcheng Gao*, Fan Xia, Polydopamine-Induced Modification on the Highly Charged Surface of Asymmetric Nanofluidics: A Strategy for Adjustable Ion Current Rectification Properties, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94:24932501

(14) Zhihong Xu, Pan Li, Meiyu Liu, Qiujiao Du, Yifan Guo, Pai Peng*, An ultrathin acoustic metasurface composed of an anisotropic three-component resonator, Applied Physics Express 2022, 15:027004

(15) Qiujiao Du*, Li Fan, Rui Xu, Yang Xu, Hongwu Yang, Pai Peng, A novel aseismic method using seismic metasurface design with mound structuresJournal of Applied Physics, 2021, 130: 215101

(16) Rui Xu, Muhammad Muzamil, Li Fan, Keke Yuan, Hongwu Yang, Qiujiao Du*, Broadband seismic metamaterial with an improved cylinder by introducing plus-shaped structure, Europhysics Letters, 2021,133(3):37001

(17) Fengming Liu*, Pai Peng, Qiujiao Du, Nanzhu Ke, Effective medium theory for photonic crystals with quadrupole resonances, Optics Letters, 2021, 46:4597-4600

(18) Pan Li, Qiujiao Du, Zhihong Xu, Yanlong Xu, Qing Wang, Pai Peng*, Stepped acoustic metasurface with simultaneous modulations of phase and amplitude, Applied Physics Express 2021, 14:127001

(19) Yi Zeng, Liyun Cao, Yifan Zhu, Yanfeng Wang, Qiujiao Du, Yuesheng Wang, and Badreddine Assouar, Coupling the first and second attenuation zones in seismic metasurface, Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 119:013501

(20) Yi Zeng, Shuyan Zhang, Hongtao Zhou, Yanfeng Wang, Liyun Cao, Yifan Zhu, Qiujiao Du, Badreddine Assouar*, Yuesheng Wang*, Broadband inverted T-shaped seismic metamaterial, Materials & Design, 2021, 208:109906

(21) Qun Ma, Tianle Liu, Ranhao Xu, Qiujiao Du, Pengcheng Guo* and Fan Xia, Revealing the Critical Role of Probe Grafting Density in Nanometric Confifinement in Ionic Signal via an Experimental and Theoretical Study, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93:1984-1990

(22) Qun Ma, Yu Li, Rongsheng WNG, Hongquan Xu, Qiujiao Du, Pengcheng Gao* and Fan Xia*, Towards explicit regulating-ion-transport: nanochannels with only function-elements at outer-surface, Nature Communications, 2021, 12:1573-1-10.

(23) Yi Zeng, Yang Xu, Hongwu Yang, Muhammad Muzamil, Rui Xu, Keke Deng, Pai Peng, and Qiujiao Du*, A Matryoshka-like seismic metamaterial with wide band-gap characteristics, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020,185-186:334-341

(24) Yi Zeng, Pai Peng, Qiujiao Du*, Yuesheng Wang* and Badreddine Assouar, Subwavelength seismic metamaterial with an ultra-low frequency bandgap, Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 128: 014901

(25) Pan Li, Yunfan Chang, Qiujiao Du, Zhihong Xu, Meiyu Liu, and Pai Peng*, Continuously tunable acoustic metasurface with rotatable anisotropic three component resonators, Applied Physics Express 2020, 13: 025507

(26) Yang Xu, Pai Peng, Hongwu Yang, Yi Zeng, and Qiujiao Du*, Broadband H-shaped seismic metamaterial with a rubber coating, Europhysics Letters, 2019, 127(1):17002

(27) Yi Zeng, Yang Xu, Keke Deng, Pai Peng, Hongwu Yang, Muhammad Muzamil, and Qiujiao Du*, A broadband seismic metamaterial plate with simple structure and easy realization, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 125: 224901

(28) Yi Zeng, Yang Xu, Zuoxun Zeng, Hongwu Yang, Muhammad Muzamil, and Qiujiao Du*,Low-frequency broadband seismic metamaterial using I-shaped pillars in a half-space, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123:214901

(29) Weijian Zhou, Bin Wu, Muhammad, Qiujiao Du, Guoliang Huang, Chaofeng Lv, and Weiqiu Chen, Actively tunable transverse waves in soft membrane-type acoustic metamaterials, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123:165304

(30) Qiujiao Du*,Yi Zeng, Yang Xu, Hongwu Yang, Zuoxun Zeng, H-fractal seismic metamaterial with broadband low-frequency bandgaps, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2018,51:105104

(31) Qiujiao Du*, Yi Zeng, Guoliang Huang, Hongwu Yang, Elastic metamaterial-based seismic shield for both Lamb and surface waves, AIP Advances, 2017,7:075015

(32) Qiujiao Du*, Zuoxun Zeng, Dong Xiang, Tao Lv, Guangyong Zhang, Hongwu Yang, Stable high absorption metamaterial for wide-angle incidence of terahertz wave, Journal of Modern Optics, 2014, 61: 621-625

(33) Qiujiao Du*, Hongwu Yang, Tao Lv, Xicheng Wang, Multiband and polarization –independent left-handed metamaterial with cross fractal structure. Optics Communications, 2013, 301:74-77

(34) Qiujiao Du*, Hongwu Yang, Xicheng Wang, Tao Lv, An improved fishnet three-dimensional metamaterial with multiband left-handed characteristics at terahertz frequencies, Optics Communications, 2012, 285:980-985

(35) Qiujiao Du, Jinsong Liu*, Hongwu Yang, Xunong Yi, Bilayer fractal structure with multiband left-handed characteristics. Applied Optics, 2011, 50: 4798-4804.

(36) Qiujiao Du, Jinsong Liu*, Kejia Wang, Xunong Yi, Hongwu Yang, Dual-band terahertz left-handed metamaterial with fishnet structure. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28: 014201

(37) Qiujiao Du, Jinsong Liu*, Hongwu Yang, A compact multiband left-handed metamaterial at terahertz frequencies. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011, 9:110015.


杜秋姣,袁柯柯,郭乃泉,基于等效质量放大的隔振超材料装置和隔振方法,发明专利,2022, ZL202210372585.4




基于地震前兆和地震超材料的防震研究,杜秋姣,罗中杰著,ISBN978-7-5625 -4780-8中国地质大学出版社,2020.


l 2024年荣获中国地质大学(武汉)第三十四届科技论文报告会“优秀指导老师”

l 2024年指导学生(田雪雯等)获批国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目

l 2023年指导研究生(张光辉)荣获国家奖学金

l 2023年指导研究生(唐泽培)在第二届全国超材料大会中荣获“超材料优秀科技前沿海报奖”

l 2023年指导(熊科刚等)在第九届全国大学生物理实验竞赛中荣获二等奖

l 2020-2022年度本科教学质量评价中连续获评优秀

l 2021年荣获“优秀工会工作者”称号

l 2021年度考核为校级优秀

l 2020年荣获“优秀学务指导老师”称号

l 2020年指导学生(张雨铭等)获批国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目

l 2020年参加的大学物理云教学团队荣获“卓越团队奖”

l 2019年指导研究生(曾一)获得校级优秀硕士学位论文

l 2019年指导研究生(徐阳)被评为校级优秀研究生

l 2019年指导研究生(徐阳)获得数理学院科技报告会一等奖

l 2018年指导研究生(曾一)2018年度国家奖学金

l 2016年指导学生(阳德华等)获批国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目

l 2014年指导学生(代沁青等)获批大学生自主创新领航计划项目

l 杜秋姣(1/5), 论文“An improved fishnet three-dimensional metamaterial with multiband left-handed characteristics at terahertz frequencies”湖北省物理学会优秀论文三等奖,2014(Qiujiao Du, Hongwu Yang, Xicheng Wang, Tao Lv)